
Employee Data LGPD: How to Manage it Correctly

employee data lgpd

Navigating the complex world of data protection can be daunting. With Brazil's LGPD (General Data Protection Law), it has become critical for you to understand and manage Brazilian employee data correctly.

Otherwise, you risk facing hefty fines. Stay tuned as we delve into a comprehensive guide on managing employee data LGPD.

Let’s dive right in.

Key Takeaways

  • Before collecting or using data, businesses need a thumbs-up from their employees. The LGPD makes sure of that.
  • Think of data as a treasure. It needs a safe spot. Regular checks and secure places are the way to keep this treasure safe.
  • In the data world, the LGPD rules help answer all data questions.

What is Employee Data?

When discussing "employee data" within the realm, we are referring to the information of the team members.

According to the LGPD regulations, this encompasses any data that a business collects, possesses, or utilizes about its staff. It goes beyond details such as names or email addresses - it includes more.

For example, "personal data" can encompass details like address, phone number, or date of birth.

But, under the LGPD guidelines, there is also a category known as "sensitive data." This refers to information such as an individual's background, religion, personal beliefs, or health condition.

The LGPD is telling businesses that it's very important to be careful with their data to ensure full LGPD compliance. Businesses must keep this data safe. It is also important that businesses are aware of what kind of data they have and make sure they follow the rules when using it.

Does LGPD Apply to Employee Data?

The LGPD regulation addresses the details of workers. The LGPD encompasses general regulations that apply to all businesses that deal with personal data, including any employee data.

Similar to Article 6 of the GDPR, which is similar to the LGPD, it states that using data is okay under certain conditions. For example, if a worker gives their consent or if a business requires the data for legal obligations.

Furthermore, personal data cannot be misused for certain purposes, and businesses must provide explanations of its usage.

Under the LGPD guidelines, businesses must exercise caution when handling their employee's " sensitive data," especially. They must have justifications for utilizing information and ensure its proper security measures.

So, according to the LGPD regulations, businesses that have Brazilian employee details must adhere to practices.

It is essential for them to safeguard this data, and to ensure compliance, it is crucial that they familiarize themselves with these regulations and ensure they are adhering to them.

How to Manage Employee Data LGPD

The LGPD has implemented measures to guarantee that businesses handle data responsibly.

If you happen to be an employer that deals with Brazilian employees, we have put together a guide to assist you in understanding and complying with the LGPD requirements while safeguarding your employee's data.

Provide a Privacy Notice Before Collecting Data

Before gathering any data, including cookies, it is crucial to inform your employees about the purpose, duration, and individuals involved in the data collection process. The LGPD ensures that businesses follow this rule through Article 9.

  • Why businesses collect data - Every bit of information the business gathers should have a purpose behind it. Regardless of the purpose, it must be transparent and reasonable. The LGPD expects businesses to be honest about this. Therefore, always question yourself, "What is the justification for acquiring this piece of data?"
  • How long the business keeps it - The business doesn't need to accumulate and hold onto data indefinitely. The LGPD serves as a reminder to businesses that they should not retain data longer than necessary. It's important to have a plan in place regarding when and how you will securely delete the data.
  • Who's in Charge: Businesses should have individuals or teams assigned to safeguard and manage data (especially if sensitive data is involved). Their primary responsibility is to ensure the security of information and adhere to LGPD regulations. A data protection officer can be in charge of the data, or you could choose to outsource compliance to a team of experts like Captain Compliance.

Only Necessary Data Collected

Before businesses start gathering data, it's important to take a moment to consider if it's really necessary. Avoid overly intrusive background checks or unnecessary monitoring and focus on what’s necessary.

They should show respect for your employee privacy. Whenever they're about to note down any details or fill out a form, take a pause. Ask yourself, "What is the purpose of collecting this data?"

Every piece of data should serve a specific purpose. Businesses must collect only what is necessary for their operation and always do so with empathy and understanding in mind. Trust is built on respect, and respecting privacy plays a role in that trust-building process.

Consent Management for Employees

When businesses gather information from their staff members, they must obtain their consent. It’s worth noting that this is not a one-time occurrence. Here is a straightforward tutorial to assist businesses in comprehending consent management:

  • Ask for Permission: The LGPD and various other data privacy laws stress the significance of obtaining consent to gather or use any personal information.
  • Keep Them in the Loop: If a business intends to use an employee's information for something, it is necessary to inform the employee and obtain their consent.
  • Give Them an Out: If individuals ever feel uneasy or have a change of heart regarding the utilization of their data, it is crucial that they are provided with an accessible means to revoke their consent.

Conduct Continual Internal Assessments

Regular inspections serve not to prevent issues but to ensure that you are executing tasks in the most optimal manner. It's possible that there are tools that can enhance data security, or maybe there is a more streamlined approach for storing information.

It's important to stay updated with any rules or updates that may arise. By reviewing your data practices, you can ensure that you are still in compliance with the LGPD and other significant regulations.

By conducting regular checks, you can identify these issues at the beginning stage.

Follow Cross-Border Transfer Rules

When businesses consider cross-border transfer of employee data, it is crucial to ensure that the receiving location will handle that data responsibly.

  1. Check the Destination's Rules: Prior to transferring any data from Brazil to another country, it is important to verify that the destination country provides a similar level of data protection as the LGPD.
  2. Use Special Contracts: Using appropriate safeguard measures like contracts or incorporating clauses that guarantee the safety and security of the data can be likened to negotiating with your landlord before moving into a new place.
  3. Trust in Treaties: Some countries have entered into agreements that promise the safeguarding of data. If the country you intend to transfer data to is a member of such an agreement, it's similar to knowing your city has a community watch program.

Fulfill Employee’s DSAR

When it comes to LGPD data subject rights, employees are entitled to their right to make a data subject access request. Here’s how you can fulfill employees’ DSARs:

  • Understanding DSAR: The LGPD, along with data protection regulations, ensures that employees possess the full entitlement to engage in DSARs. It’s important for you to know what rights the employees are entitled to.
  • Be Ready to Respond: It's not a matter of courtesy but a legal requirement. It is important to establish a system for handling these requests. Who will be responsible for managing the request? How will they locate the data? These are questions that should have defined answers.
  • Keep It Efficient: Time is crucial. If an employee requests access to their data, it's important not to keep them waiting long. Having an effective system in place is beneficial. Imagine it as having an arranged bookshelf where you can easily locate any book you require.

Have a Data Breach Response Plan

Businesses have to make sure they have a plan in place for dealing with data breaches. Mistakes can happen, so it's important to act if a breach occurs. Their response plan should include notifying employees and taking measures to prevent breaches.

  • Be prepared: like having a safety kit on a boat, it's essential to have a plan for data breaches. Know the steps to take, who to contact, and how to inform those who are affected. Being prepared is key when unexpected situations arise.
  • Inform your employees: If there is a breach - don't keep it hidden. It's crucial to let the employees know about it since it involves their data. Transparency and honesty build trust among your team.
  • Learn and improve: Once the businesses deal with the breach, they take some time for reflection. What went wrong? How can they avoid incidents in the future? Consider exploring tools or training that could help strengthen their security measures. Always strive for improvement.


It is essential to designate a point of contact for matters related to data protection. This individual or team will be responsible for addressing any questions, concerns, or requests related to employee data.

It is important to ensure that employees are aware of how they can reach out to this designated contact.

  • Responsibility and Expertise: Similar to how a captain guides a ship, there needs to be someone who takes charge of data protection - typically a data protection officer or team like Captain Compliance. This person or team should possess an understanding of the LGPD and other relevant regulations. They will serve as the go-to resource for all data-related matters.
  • Openness and Accessibility: If employees have any questions, concerns, or requests, this contact person is readily available to provide assistance and support.
  • Maintaining Communication: It is crucial that employees are familiar with the channels through which they can reach the designated data protection contact. Whether it's via email, phone calls, or regular meetings, the key is ensuring that communication lines remain open and accessible.

What Happens to Employee Data After Termination?

Imagine this scenario: An employee decides to move on from their job. They've packed up their belongings and said their goodbyes. There's one thing that remains. Their data. Now, businesses in Brazil have rules to follow under the LGPD.

These rules state that businesses should not just leave the data lying around. They need a plan in place called a data retention policy. It serves as a guidebook determining which data should be kept and which can be discarded. If the data is no longer necessary, it's time for it to be removed.

However, certain types of data may require protection in a database for legal or tax purposes. If businesses wish to retain an employee's data for roles, they must obtain consent from the employee first.

Employees also have the right to request their data under the LGPD regulations. However, here's an interesting twist - businesses are not obligated to update an employee's data or add chapters to their story once they've left.


Understanding the LGPD is like getting familiar with the rules of a game. It's really important for businesses to follow these rules to avoid potential LGPD fines and to protect their team's information. So now, what should you do next? Take action, of course!

That’s where Captain Compliance, a leader in corporate compliance, comes in. Think of us as your trusted partner in this game. We have knowledge about the LGPD, and many businesses outsource compliance to us for expertise. We can help you ensure that you're following all the rules.

Whether you have questions that require team training, need data compliance solutions, or need assistance with developing a data security strategy, we're here to help.

Are you ready for compliance with Captain Compliance with the help of our compliance solutions? Let's work together and make sure that your business achieves success when it comes to safeguarding data. Get in touch with us now.


What is the LGPD, and why is it important for businesses?

The Brazilian General Data Protection Law, known as LGPD, establishes regulations governing the collection, utilization, and storage of information by businesses.

It is important for businesses to adhere to these regulations in order to avoid penalties and foster trust among their users and employees.

Want to ensure your business is LGPD compliant? Click here to find the tools to help you.

What types of data does the LGPD consider "sensitive"?

Sensitive data, according to the LGPD, includes information about a person's race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, health records, and other related details. This type of data necessitates precautions and safeguarding measures.

Handling sensitive data and unsure about the precautions to take? Captain Compliance offers comprehensive guidance. Reach out now!

How does the LGPD differ from the GDPR?

The LGPD is frequently compared to Europe's GDPR. There are variations in terms of its coverage, penalties, and specific regulations. Although both have the goal of safeguarding individual data, there are certain specifics and implementation measures that differ.

Are you confused about the differences and how they affect your business? Dive into our LGPD vs. GDPR guide.

What should a business do if there's a data breach under the LGPD?

Taking action is important. It is vital to notify the individuals impacted, implement measures to minimize the breach's impact, and officially report the incident to the authorities. It is essential to have a prepared response plan in position.

Worried about potential data breaches? Check out our guide for more details.