Hjabsolutesessioninprogress Cookie: What You Must Know

Businesses all over track just how many users click on and view their sites with the help of cookies. How does this process work? If you are curious, we have the answers. A great way to understand is to know the ins and outs of the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie.
Users can click on and view a site more than once, refresh the page, view the site in multiple tabs, etc. However, these numbers never overlap in a business’s database that tracks the number of visits to their site. This is thanks to cookies like the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie and the unique IDs it assigns users.
Let’s learn more about this function and how long the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie stays on your browser before expiring.
The Magic of the Hjabsolutesessioninprogress Cookie
The Hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie is what is known as a hotjar cookie. These cookies are placed on users’ browsers by sites' Hotjar tracking code. This code allows Hotjar’s tracking and cookies to work correctly.
Specifically, the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie records how many times an individual user visits a site. The cookie automatically assigns each user a unique ID upon a user's first visit. With this unique ID, set by IP address, a site can distinguish between a new visit or a returning user.
In addition, if a user returns to the site, opens a new tab, or refreshes the page, this ID allows Hotjar and the site to determine that it is not a new user/new visit and is never recorded in the tracking data twice.
Businesses utilize this data to determine how many new visits and new users they get on their site. They utilize Hotjar cookies like the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie to ensure this data is accurate and differentiates between user types and page visits.
When Does the Hjabsolutesessioninprogress Cookie Expire?
Shockingly, the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie stays on a user’s browser for only thirty minutes. It may seem short, but there is an explanation for this brief period.
Thirty minutes is also the same length as a user session. The session expires after thirty minutes, meaning the cookie is no longer needed to track a page visit after that time.
If a user starts a new session with the same user ID, a new hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie will recognize their ID and designate the visit to the returning user.
Final Words
Hotjar cookies like the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie allow websites to track and maintain accurate data regarding how many visits they get to their sites.
These cookies assign each user a unique ID to distinguish between new visits/users and returning visits/users. This information helps businesses measure the overall performance of their site.
While consumers feel no effect from the hjabsolutesessioninprogress cookie, businesses utilize this data in crucial reporting and metrics that can then be used to optimize their sites.