_uit Cookie: What Does it Do for Users & Businesses

Though we don’t know it, cookies make it easy to share webpages and services across sites. Whenever we enter a business’s site, they will likely place a cookie like _uit on your browser. But why do businesses use the _uit cookie?
The _uit cookie is a tool allowing users to share pages and sites to social media through a simple button click. The convenience and ease of use we enjoy on many sites are thanks to this simple cookie.
We’ll explore the real function of the _uit cookie and how long it lasts on your browser below, so stick around to learn about it.
Let’s dive in.
The Function of the _uit Cookie
The _uit cookie is created by AddThis, a social bookmarking service that allows seamless sharing of webpages on social media sites. The function of this cookie is to provide simple, easy-to-use sharing buttons on a business’s site.
The _uit cookie can be used for sharing on many social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and email. Businesses welcome this ease of sharing to create significant potential for increased traffic and visibility of their site.
How Long Does the _uit Cookie Last?
The _uit cookie’s use is limited to assist users in sharing webpages, so it does not last long on a browser. Usually, the cookie lasts up to one day, starting from a user’s first visit to a webpage.
When you first enter a site, AddThis will place the cookie on your browser only to make it easier to share and be erased soon after. The cookie collects no personal information from the site it originates from or any of your social media.
We all know and love the convenience of easy, one-click sharing on the many web pages we visit daily. However, you may not have known until now that this simplicity is thanks to the _uit cookie provided by AddThis.
Cookies that create easy sharing benefit the owner of the webpage by creating exposure and potential traffic; the benefits don’t stop there. Consumers also benefit from the convenience of having the power to share across sites or email through only a click of a button.
The _uit cookie is an unsung hero in creating the effortless social media sharing experience we know and love. Next time you want to send something to a friend or colleague, you can thank the _uit cookie for making it so easy.